The Finisterre boat is designed to respond to marine animal rescue callouts, tending to a range of marine life. The onboard vet clinic allows for treatments and minor surgeries once the animals have been bought on board.
The boat is designed for day trips of up to eight passengers, with adequate seating, bathroom facilities and pilot station.
As an environmentally conscious surfwear brand with existing ocean conservation efforts, the boat provides Finisterre with another outlet to give back to the ocean.

The boat is equipped with a crane to assist when bringing animals on-board the vessel 

The vet area allows animals to be treated on-board or easily transported back to shore for further treatment. 

Gravity sketch was integral to the design process, it gave the ability to experience the boat in real scale and jump back to editing all in the same workflow. 
VR was an irreplaceable tool to spatially validate the design and use of space, as s space on a boat is scarce yet incredibly valuable. 

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